Why Is College Good?
College is an event that takes place in those lives that try to better and further their education in hopes to better themselves for their society. The betterment of each individual within a society will then lead to a successful environment that enables economic and social growth.
College is a great experience for individuals in society to participate in to better themselves. The student "seeks to cultivate qualities that are essential not only for a satisfying career and useful life, but to make judgement and choices in the face of uncertainty and complexity" stated Bobby Fong. College helps to educate the workforce to produce more efficient and better quality items for society.alongside educational practices, "There are also social benefits, learning to think together and learning to attack problems together" as commented by Mike Rose. Therefore, college does not only help the individual student, yet makes the society stronger and more educated to produce a better environment for the future generations.
To go to college and to become a successful graduate from a higher standard of education a student must persevere and overcome each obstacle that stands before them. Students understand that, " Education is very valuable;" therefore, the collegiate system helps to identify these individuals because, "society needs a mechanism for sorting out its more intelligent members from its less intelligent ones just as a track team needs a mechanism (such as a stopwatch) to sort out the faster athletes from the slower ones. society wants to identify intelligent people early on so that it can funnel them into careers that maximize their talents" proclaims Louis Menand.
The collegiate system teaches student to not only know information but to know how to overcome difficult obstacles that require critical thinking. Someone does not necessarily have to be the smartest person to go to college they just must be self motivated and have the drive to become successful no matter the circumstances.