As a child our parents told us that we needed to share things and at the time we did not realize how much can be learned from this lesson. Now that we are all young adults, striving for success, we realize that subliminally many of life's experiences are shared among a number of people around us. The lifestyle that is shared between students, children, and even elderly, has effected the behavior of today's society. Also, the internet has changed the mind set of many through its many uses, from educational purposes to leisurely wandering through the vast amount of information. In addition, social media has played an important role in the lives of modern day society. The experiences that people share with us helps you relate to them on a personal level and creates a closer society.
The lifestyles that people within society share allows for people to interact on a personal level and makes it so that they can empathize with one another. People have made a transition from using their things to working together to cause more efficient ways of doing things. Neal Gorenflo proclaims, "the Great Recession is forcing all of us to pay more attention these days. car-sharing, ride-sharing, bike-sharing, co-working, co-housing, tool libraries, and cooperatives are all on the rise." By sharing these things people grow closer, because they realize that they are not the only ones that are living through hardships. These people also help establish a stronger and more unified society that works together for a common good.

The internet has allowed for people to gather more information with one source and also to interact with each other virtually. Many people use the internet to gather needed information to solve problems that they may face. Gorenflo believes,"it's easy to take for granted, but its potential as a platform for sharing has arguably just begun to unfold." The internet has allowed for people to discover new ideas and interact with people all across the world. These people then become closer and push to either provide psychologically, morally, or financially to help establish a stronger form of unity.

Social media has been created to help society come in contact with more people. The people learn from one another and combines social interactions and virtual interactions. Gorenflo states, " If facebook was a country, it would be the fourth largest country in the world by population with over 800 million users." Social media can help people find and communicate with other users to gather information and build relationships. These relationships then can develop into ways of employment or ways to teach peers.
The way that citizens in society helps teach us how to overcome obstacles and enables us to create long lasting relationships that will help build the unity of the nation. The lifestyle that people now are living in helps people to realize how they can help others to help keep problems at a minimum. The internet allows for people to gather more information from one source to create a stronger system of learning. Social media enables people to meet other people in a virtual world and they can talk about their issues and overcome the problems that they could face. These changes in society has taught me and many other people, that you are not alone and that there are other people out in the society who have the same problems.
photo credit: <a href="">aquababe</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
href="">Taylor Dawn Fortune</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit: <a href="">Stuck in Customs</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>