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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Is College Enough?

College is a great factor when someone is looking for a job; however, college is not enough to guarantee the job. Experience plays an important role that could help acquire the job. Also social networking helps tremendously when looking for a job. Lastly, the application of effort and knowledge that can be used to help the employer. As stated by Ronald Ehrenberg," There has been a shift from the belief that we as a nation benefit from higher educationwhich  is great and helps to prepare people for their futures and helps to teach the student how to think critically in times of confusion.

Experience demonstrates to an employer that the person applying for the job knows how to do the job based upon past situations. Through the experience that one has gained through the years, the employer tends to trust this person more than someone out of college just because of their knowledge on how to handle situations. A student only knows the technical solution to a situation.Experience, "will end up diminishing the quality of on-campus education"  stated Nicholas Carr. Experience also enables the employee to see what will happen in the future, for instance if a particular situation has already happened once then the experienced employee could tell his employer of his experiences and how to fix the problem.

Social networking allows for one to get his name out just by simply getting to know people.  As Jarod Kintz once said, " I think that the key indicator for wealth is not good grades, work ethic, of IQ. I believe its relationships."When someone applies for a job the employer almost always asks for references. These references play an important role in their future. Having good references is always a bonus and shows to the employer that the applicant associates himself with a successful group of people which in turn reflects upon the applicant. The employer gains from these references an estimate to their personality and to their behaviors.

A student who is going into the workforce must display that they put effort into their work. To stand out, as Jon Bon Jovi proclaimed, " Each one of you has something no one else has, or has ever had: your fingerprints, your brain, your heart. Be an individual. Be unique. Stand out. Make noise. Make someone notice. That's the power of individuals." As an applicant they must try to demonstrate their work efforts in hopes to get hired into the business; however, if the employer does not see that the applicant is willing to work and try his best for the betterment of his company, odds are that the applicant will not be hired. Having an excellent work effort and striving to do and learn more catches the eye of the employer and makes them proud that someone wants to work for him and help his business grow.

Is college enough, " I've spent my life trying to find out, the answers I have are both promising and a little horrifying," stated Frank Zappa. when going into the workforce college is not enough. If an individual has the correct experience and knows from past situations what to do; then, that applicant is more inclined than a student who has not had any experience yet. Good social networking skills enables the employer to learn more about the applicant and helps them gain a better understanding of the applicant. Lastly, displaying work effort is a great way to gain the respect and impress the employer when looking for a job.
All of these aspects can be gained from society, college is great and teaches its students many useful lessons; however, sometimes that just is not enough.


  1. I agree with the fact experience always triumphs over just a degree. I feel like for a while it will be difficult to get a job right out of college. I also agree with people being willing to put in the effort for the job.

  2. Your blog post was very well written. I agree on the points that you made 100%. I also really liked your Bon Jovi quote you listed. Very unique.

  3. I liked what you said about having a good work ethic. Without this nobody would last long for any job. Having the desire to work well and help your company accomplish something is very rewarding. Most students out of high school and college don't have a work ethic so it is very hard to find a job. College won't teach this and it must be learned. Very well written and cool pictures.

  4. I think you're absolutely right in the matter that you have to show that you are ready to do something in order for other people to believe you can. You did a good job in appearances it was long enough but not boring.
